Creative Direction / Animation / Design / Illustration
Here is a free digital version of the 'Smile for a While' colouring book I created to raise money for LOROS and St Christopher's hospices in memory of my wonderful mum Sue. There's lots of lovely pictures to print and colour in created by some very talented artists.
The charities are struggling at the moment as their shops are shut and fundraising events cancelled. Please give a donation to help them continue caring for terminally ill people and their families. Thank you, Sarah
Click your favourite images to download a free printable version and have fun colouring them in! Tag your masterpieces with #smileforawhile :)
Artists in order of page in book: Sarah Klan, Swantje Wenz, Gutless Wonder, Zapatoverde, Nathan Jurevicius, Billmund, Katy Davis,
Karen Anna S. Sandholm, Jasmine Parker, Protoplanet Studio, Siv Nordsveen, Sanyukta Shrestha, Roberto Fantauzzi, Mike James, Paul Ridge,
Monika Mitkute, Ricardo Muñoz, Nathaniel Rueda, Emmy Lincoln, Rebecca Bates, David Rigg, Duncan Irving, Lala, LUMA, Yasmin Sheikh,
Antonia Bañados, Diego Cumplido, Ninna Thorarinsdottir, Claudia Six, Syl Hillier, Najma Bhatti, Juan Salas, Von Poopmiester,
Pablo Fernández del Castillo, Tirza van Hensbergen, Sarah Klan